Meet the Hutong Team, week 3! Meet Haike Bruneel, our Sales & Marketing Officer in Shanghai!

Haike Bruneel
Occupation: Sales & Marketing Officer
Hobby: Travelling, playing music
Your country and city: Belgium, Torhout
Favorite food in China: Di San Xian

Why did you choose China? What attracted you?
Well, to answer this, we have to go back to the moment I made the decision what to study after high school. I wanted to study a language, but I wasn’t really interested in European languages. I wanted something special, something exciting, a challenge! So I figured, why not study Chinese? And that’s what I did! And I was intrigued by China from the very first moment.

Why did you decide to stay in China? What keeps you here?
After my studies, I did an internship in Shanghai to gain some professional experience, but also to improve my Chinese language skills… and I really fell in love with the city! I’ve already been here for several months, and still the city never fails to surprise me.

The Chinese culture is so different from our European way of life. It’s really fascinating! So far, every day in China felt like a small adventure and I am sure that there is still a lot to discover!

What motivates you to work at Hutong School?
First of all, I really like the content of my job, but most importantly: working at Hutong School doesn’t really feel like working. I really enjoy coming to Hutong School every day. It has a kind and warm atmosphere!

Thai Binh Ho Van
Marketing Assistant Intern