Meet the Hutong Team, week 4! Meet Laura Corazzi, our Internship Program Director in Beijing!

Name: Laura Corazzi
Occupation: Internship Program Director
Hobbies: Contemporary dance, ballet and art in general
City and Country: Gubbio, Italy
Favorite food in China: The potato tower and Di San Xian!
Job at Hutong School: Finding companies for the Internship Program students and make sure the right candidates are matched with the right companies.

Why did you choose China? What attracted you?
I was planning to do an internship for 3 months, so I decided I wanted to go far away and experience something totally different from what I was used to. So I thought, why not China?

Why did you decide to stay in China? What keeps you here?
I decided to stay because I met wonderful people, I found a fantastic job and I wanted to discover more about China and other Asian countries. I even found a very nice group of people here in Beijing for my dance training and performances, so I’ve really found my total dimension!

What was the first impression you had from our school?
I really had a good feeling about Hutong School and the environment! The atmosphere was both relaxed and very dynamic at the same time. This is a very interesting and very rare mix to find in a company!

What motivates you to work at Hutong School?
I’m motivated to work at Hutong School because I really like what I’m doing and the people I work with. I love my job because it allows me to meet people from all over the world and most of all to help them a bit to find their professional way in China and, sometimes, in general.

Why do you think students abroad should choose Hutong School?
Hutong School gives students the opportunity to get the best from their experience in China, both professionally and personally, without worrying too much about all the logistical aspects. Moreover, China is really THE place to be right now and I would really encourage anyone to start this adventure!

Thai Binh Ho Van
Marketing Assistant Intern