
Guest Blog: 10 Tips for Foreign Students in China

Finally booked your ticket to China, now just figuring out what to prepare? No worries, learn more about what you should prepare before your big trip here!

29 Feb 2020

Guest Blog: Chinese Loan Words

Chinese may seem difficult to learn for English-speakers, but a closer look reveals a few similarities. Do you know these Chinese loan words?

14 Feb 2020

End of a Decade, New Beginnings for the 2020 Metal Rat

The roaring 20s have begun! Let's take a look back on the past decade in China and see what the year of the rat brings us in 2020!

1 Feb 2020

Guest Blog: 11 Common Chinese Slang Words

You know all those slang words you never learn in class? Wanna learn the newest slang and be hip with all the kids? Learn the 11 most common slang in China!

3 Jan 2020

Learning Chinese Online

If you ever go to China bare in mind that most people only speak mandarin so if you don’t know the language it’s better to get a translation app or maybe learn some key sentences and words to get through your time in China as smoothly as possible. I can understand how this can be …

1 Jan 2020

Celebrating Christmas in China

Want to break free from your traditional Christmas routine and celebrate abroad? Check out our suggestions on how to celebrate Christmas in China!

26 Dec 2019