
We are Hiring a Program Consultant in Beijing

Looking for a job in Beijing? As we keep growing, we are looking for a new colleague to work in Beijing to join our admissions team. Ready for an adventure?

12 May 2016

The Untranslatables

Learning Chinese is a difficult task for many and when translating Chinese words into another language, people will inevitably bump into difficulties at a

11 May 2016

How to Survive as a Vegetarian in China

Being a vegetarian in China can be difficult. We've created a guide with Chinese sentences and Chinese vegetarian dishes that you can use in restaurants.

4 May 2016

How to do business in China: A Practical Language Guide

Business in China mostly follows the same pattern: greeting, meeting and eating. Let’s go over some polite forms of address.

21 Apr 2016

Doing Business in China: A Cultural Guide

Foreigners planning on doing business in China should keep in mind that the way business is conducted in China is different from what they are used to.

14 Apr 2016

We are Hiring a Program Consultant in Beijing

Looking for a job in Beijing? As we keep growing, we are looking for a new colleague to work in Beijing to join our admissions team. Ready for an adventure?

5 Apr 2016