
more than willing

But not always. There are political conservatives who are more than willing to look the other way at the illegal immigration problem. They benefit from cheap labor, whether it be working the fields of large farms or in various menial and unskilled tasks. It began after President Barack Obama signed the Affordable Care Act in …

18 Aug 2011

We are Hiring! - Position filled

We are hiring an Admissions Assistant! Do you think you are up for the job? Do you think you have what it takes? Are you up for a challenge?

11 Aug 2011

Volunteer in Beijing - Migrant School

Volunteer in Beijing! This Saturday we'll go to a migrant school in the north of Beijing. Volunteering with the migrant community is a rewarding experience.

10 Aug 2011

Translation Slam with English Trackers

Last month English Trackers and the Bookworm hosted the first translation slam in Beijing. Two translators go head to head, comparing their translations.

5 Aug 2011

Hutong School Monthly Wrap Up

Although Beijing’s summer is still in full swing, we at Hutong School didn't stand still. Catch up with July’s news now!

2 Aug 2011

Hutong School joins WYSETC

Hutong School has joined WYSETC! We are now officially accredited by World Youth Student & Educational Travel Confederation!

28 Jul 2011