Happy Valentine’s Day! 情人节快乐 (Qíngrén jié kuàilè)!

Did you already surprise your loved one with that nice box of chocolate, that sweet-smelling bouquet of her favorite flowers or your beautifully handmade card today? If you did, bravo! You are now one of the millions of people around the world who did the same. You didn’t? Or, don’t know what we are talking about? Don’t panic, it’s not too late, you still have some time (let’s say, a few hours)… because today is February 14th! It’s the day we celebrate Saint Valentine, a day dedicated to love.

But where does this romantic tradition of showing and expressing your love to that special one comes from? Well, for that, let’s go back to 14th century London where Geoffry Chaucer (considered as the father of English literature) filled his days with writing poetry. And what a good job he did! In 1382 who wrote his well-known poem ‘Parlement of Foules’. These next two lines became very famous and are considered to be the first recorded association of the day of Saint Valentine (so, Valentine’s Day) with romance.

For this was on seynt Volantynys day
 Whan euery bryd comyth there to chese his make.

[“For this was Saint Valentine’s Day, when every bird cometh there to choose his mate.”]

And with this beautiful poem, we wish you and all your loved ones a happy and loving Valentine’s Day! But don’t go totally crazy on those chocolates!


Haike Bruneel
Sales & Marketing Officer


Posted in Fun Facts
15 Feb 2012

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