Hutong School Spring Wrap Up

Hutong School BeijingSpring is finally coming! It is time to enjoy the nice weather and make the most of Beijing. Before you start putting on the summer clothes, let’s see what we have been up to this month at Hutong School!

Keeping in Touch with our Alumni

We like to keep close links with Hutong School’s former students and help them to stay in touch with their fellow schoolmates. To make it easier for our Alumni to get in touch we created Alumni Groups on Linkedln and Xing! We also have a very active Facebook Group. Please check our Alumni Network page for more information!

Hutong School Goes to Paris

Hutong School attended two trade shows in Paris at the Salon des Etudes et des Carrières Internationales and Explolangues. They informed visitors about the great programs we offer to students from all over the world.

HSK Tests and Preparation Courses available

Hutong School offers its students the chance to take HSK placement tests every month! You can find more information about dates and application deadlines on our HSK Tests Page. In addition, we also organize special HSK Preparation Courses each month to prepare students for the test.

Volunteer in China

The Hutong School highly encourages and supports volunteer work in China and on a regular basis organizes different kinds of Charity activities in Beijing. We work closely with many NGO’s in China and support them in several ways. If you want to learn more about volunteering in China please visit our Why Volunteer in China page.

We are very happy to welcome all the new students that joined us in March! The Hutong School staff wishes you all the best in your future Chinese career and in your life in China! Do not forget to keep checking-in for more updates (Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn)!

Posted in Hutong School
8 Apr 2011

Same great quality, bigger scale.

Hutong School is now operating as That’s Mandarin. Now you can expect the same great Chinese lessons with access to online Chinese learning platform NihaoCafe.