立春 - Lìchūn, The Beginning of Spring in China

Spring in China has now officially sprung. To mark the occasion Hutong fixture and Beijing local Lao Guo has written an article about what to eat and how to stay healthy during this time of year. See below for the original article in Chinese, and an English summary.




立春期间,气温、日照、降雨,开始趋于上升、增多。但这一切对全国大多数地方来说仅仅是 春天的前奏。











立春之后的一段时间往往冷暖不定,要当心倒春寒的侵扰,特别是对于体弱的人来说,感冒、发烧是常有的事情。对此专家表示,要想杀菌并防寒,在饮食上可增加吃大蒜、洋葱、芹菜等味冲 食物的次数,对预防伤寒感冒等春季多发的呼吸道感染大有益处。







LìChūn, The Beginning of Spring in China – English Summary

This year Spring begins on Tuesday, March 20, 2018.

In addition to marking the start of Spring in terms of the solar and lunar calendar, it is also the time of year that plants begin to grow.

During the beginning of spring, temperature, sunlight, rainfall, began to rise. The southerly winds increase, bringing warmer temperatures to the country. During this period the earth begins to thaw in the North East of China.

Traditional Diet for the Beginning of Spring:

Chunbing or “Spring Pancakes” stuffed with carrot, bean sprouts, and beans.

Spring plate: fruits, vegetables, candy, cake, bean sprouts, carrots, leeks, spinach, lettuce, beans, eggs, potatoes.

Spring rolls, fried snacks with vegetables and lean meat.

And as a small ‘bite,’ carrots.

How to Stay Healthy in the Sun:

Rise early. Guard against rage, and avoid depression, so stay open-minded. Make an effort to be cheerful.

For healthy people, your diet should be light, do not over eat dry, spicy food. Eat more lily, yam, lotus seeds, wolf berry and other similar foods.

After a period of wellbeing at the beginning of spring, beware of “late spring” intrusion, especially for people who are frail. Cold and fever are common. In this regard eat garlic, onion, celery and other “flavor punch” foods.

Drinking tea can help dispel the lingering winter chill.


Poem: Ode to a Willow

by He Zhizhang (Tang Dynasty)

A tall willow has been dressed with the leaves of jade,

Ten thousand twigs hang down like green ribbons

I wonder who cut out its slim leaves.

It is the spring breeze in February as a pair of scissors

Lao Guo

[Poem Translation Source: http://www.ebridge.cn/new/languages/lan.php?sno=2279]

Interested in learning more about Chinese culture? Read our post about Dōngzhì 冬至, the traditional food for winter in China. See our post on how to stay healthy during Autumn, and emerge yourself in ancient Chinese legends. Read more here.

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