Movie Locations in Chongqing

Check Out These Movie Locations in Chongqing | 这些重庆电影取景地你去过吗

Chongqing is an incredibly unique city, and its special geographical location and charming mountainous surroundings have always presented Chongqing as a popular location for shooting classic films. From the 1930s until now, more than 200 films have been shot in Chongqing, attracting many visitors from home and abroad. How many of these iconic spots have you been to?



chongqing movie

House of Flying Daggers | 十面埋伏

Summary | 影片简介

A romantic story between two police captains and an utahime during the Tang Dynasty.



Shooting location | 取景地

Tea Mountain and Bamboo Forest Scenic Area | 茶山竹海

The wonderland-like Tea Mountain and Bamboo Forest is located in Yongchuan, 55 km from downtown Chongqing. The bamboo forest offers a perfect getaway in the summer for fresh air and a lovely mood. You can even stay in one of the local hotels and enjoy the local food or buy handmade tea picked from the local areas.



Ticket: peak season(April- October): 40rmb/person

low season(November-March): 30rmb/person

Opening hours: all day

Getting there: Take a bus at Chongqing Chenjiaping Station to Yongchuan(2hours, 40rmb), then take bus 503 to the gate.


门票:旺季(4-10 月)40 元/ 人

淡季(11 月- 来年3 月)30 元/人


路线:在重庆陈家坪汽车站乘直达永川的汽车,票价40 元,约2 小时可达永川汽车站;再转乘503 路公交车前往茶山竹海景区


Transformers: Age of Extinction | 变形金刚4:绝迹重生

Summary | 影片简介

When humanity allies with a bounty hunter in pursuit of Optimus Prime, the Autobots turn to a mechanic and his family for help.



Shooting location | 取景地

Three Natural Bridges, Wulong | 武隆县天生三硚


These stunning natural stone bridges were formerly caves until the ground collapsed, leaving “tiankengs” (sinkholes) and the breathtaking limestone arches known as Tiānshēng Sān Qiáo. Calcite formations are still visible on some of the walls, and waterfalls with quaint names sprinkle down from on high. An outpost building seated between the first and second bridges was once used for a scene in the film Curse of the Golden Flower.

武隆天生三硚是很有名的地质奇观生态型旅游区,属喀斯特地貌。景区以天龙桥、青龙桥、黑龙桥三座气势磅礴的石拱桥称奇于世。天生三桥位于武隆县城东南约20 公里的白果乡与核桃乡交界处,大自然造就的3座天生石拱桥,具有雄、奇、险、秀、幽、绝等特点。


Ticket: March – October: 125rmb/person

November-February: 95rmb/person

Opening hours: 09:00-16:00

Getting there: by train or bus


门票:3-10 月 125元/ 人

11 月- 来年2 月 95 元/人




Back to 1942 | 一九四二

Summary | 影片简介

A deadly drought in 1942 takes its toll on central China’s Henan province during the war against Japan…



Shooting location No 1 | 取景地1

Chongqing Republic Street (Movie and Television Town) | 民国街


chongqing republic street

A street that refers to the Republic of China period, you can enjoy the famous landmarks of Chongqing such as the Jiefangbei Monument, take an old style photo in one of the nearby photo studios, or have a drink at a republic period themed bar.



Shooting location No 2 | 取景地2

French Navy Barracks | 法国水师兵营

Built by the French Navy in 1902, it was rebuilt with some modern elements. It is an international cultural relic and also a landmark building in Chongqing’s port history. You can also stop in and have a cup of coffee.



Still Life | 三峡好人

Summary | 影片简介

Han Sanming, a coal mine worker, and Shen Hong, a nurse, came to Fengjie and find his ex-wife, who was gone for 16 years, and her husband who was gone for 2 years.



Shooting location: Fengjie, Wushan


Wushan Yangtze River Bridge



Chongqing Hot Pot | 火锅英雄

chongqing hotpot

Summary | 影片简介

Three old schoolmates Liu Po (Chen Kun), Xu Dong (Qin Han) and Wang Ping Chuan (Yu En Tai) who are in their middle-ages get together to open a one-of-a-kind hotpot place but business is dismal and they are drowning in debt. To pay it off, they decide to sell the shop after fixing it up to fetch a better price. In the midst of construction, they discover a hidden tunnel leading to a bank vault, what’s more, their old classmate Xiao Hui (Bai Bai He) works at the bank too. To steal or not to steal, that is the question.



Shooting location No 1 | 取景地 1

Lao Tong Xue Dong Zi hotpot | 老同学洞子火锅


Lao Tong Xue Dong Zi hotpot, aka Lao Tong Xue Wai Guan hotpot, a hotpot restaurant with many diners everyday. A lot of people come to try because of the movie.



Address: Near Yanyu Road No 118, Nan’an

Opening hours: 10:00-24:00





Shooting location No 2 | 取景地2

Li Zi Ba | 李子坝站

A very magical experience which you can only enjoy in Chongqing. For photos, there is a shooting spot across from the station where a lot of tourists take photos. If you want to take photos inside the light rail, you’d better go to the front of the train for a better view!



Shooting location No 3 | 取景地3

Tongyuanju Station | 铜元局站

Magical mirror | 藏在都市里的魔幻


Shooting location No 4 | 取景地4

Grand Theatre | 大剧院

Enjoy the incredible city view | 坐在长椅上欣赏薄雾笼罩中的城市

Better Days | 少年的你

Summary | 影片简介

A bullied teenage girl forms an unlikely friendship with a mysterious young man who protects her from her assailants, all while she copes with the pressures of her final examinations.



Shooting location No 1 | 取景地1

Crown Escalator | 皇冠大扶梯


The Crown Escalator is very long, and from the top it looks like it is “endless”. It links Lianglukou and Chongqing Railway Station (Caiyuanba Railway Station), and is one of the must see tourist sites in Chongqing.



Ticket: 2rmb/person

Opening hours: summer 6:45-21:45, winter 6:15-21:15

Address: Zhongshan 3rd Road 107 1F, Lianglukou, Yuzhong






Shooting location No 2 | 取景地2

Tongzilou | 海棠溪筒子楼

A very local, residential building has gone viral in recent years due to the wealth of photography opportunities.




I Belonged To You | 从你的全世界路过

Summary | 影片简介

Love stories of different couples



Shooting location No 1 | 取景地1

Jiefangbei | 解放碑


Jiefangbei, the People’s Liberation Monument which is situated right in the centre of Jiefangbei’s CBD. It is one of the key landmarks in Chongqing, and remains the spiritual symbol of the Chinese people’s victory in the Sino-Japanese War and their great contributions to world peace. It is surrounded by the busy but spacious pedestrian walks of shopping departments and business buildings. It is a must-visit landmark for experiencing the history of Chongqing and to take an excellent and iconic photo.



Shooting location No 2 | 取景地2

Shibati | 十八梯

An old street that shows off the traditional citizen’s life, but is now being demolished and will be open again in the near future.



Shooting location No 3 | 取景地3

Testbed 2  | 二厂


A cultural and creative park situated on the top of E’ling Mountain with excellent views towards Jialing River, once it was the previous Chongqing No. 2 Printing Factory (also known as the Central Bank’s Banknote Printing Factory of Republic of China). This place combines old and new styles, containing special handicraft shops, cafes, bars, restaurants, art design exhibitions, and great parties as well! This place provides an opportunity to try new things in a funky environment, for photography and a chic afternoon tea.




Shooting location No 4 | 取景地4

Qiansimen Bridge | 千厮门大桥

Stunning night views of Qiansimen Bridge



So, when are you going to try out these amazing places?

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