Articles in Chinese Classes

Hutong School Alumni Stories: From Shanghai to Marrakesh

In this week's blog post we have an interview with Delphine, a Hutong School alumni who updates us on her recent adventures in Morocco.

3 May 2018
By Mark Lore

Chinese Starter Kit Week 4: Vocabulary

Welcome to the fourth and final week of our Chinese starter kit series! We'll share our secret sauce for rapidly improving your Chinese vocabulary.

31 Jan 2018
By Alexis Quevedo

Chinese Starter Kit Week 3: Grammar

It's week 3 of our "How To Learn Chinese" mini-series. Up this week is... grammar! With pinyin and tones covered, it's all about Chinese grammar!

24 Jan 2018
By Alexis Quevedo

Chinese Starter Kit Week 2: Tones

Welcome to week 2 of our Chinese Starter Kit. With your pinyin foundation laid down, we're ready to practice tones, tones, tones!

17 Jan 2018
By Alexis Quevedo

Chinese Starter Kit Week 1: Pinyin

Discover the fascinating world of the Chinese language, starting with pinyin. In this section, we've rounded up the top 5 pinyin resources.

10 Jan 2018
By Alexis Quevedo

How To Learn Chinese In 4 Weeks

Hutong School has created a starter kit on how to learn Chinese in 4 weeks. We guide you through the ins and outs of learning Chinese from scratch.

3 Jan 2018
By Megan Wang