Articles in Chinese Classes

Hutong School Promotes Entrepreneurship

Hutong School hosted a Startup Pitch Night and took it one step further to inspire our students and local expats to eventually start their own business.

20 Dec 2017
By Megan Wang

Guestblog: 5 Podcasts to Supercharge Your Chinese Listening

Check out our top five recommendations for podcasts to help you improve your pronunciation and learn about Chinese culture and society.

13 Dec 2017
By Tommy Jensen

Experience the winter wonders of Harbin

Every year the famous ice city Harbin turns in to a glowing ice paradise for a whole month. The amazing sculpture festival turns the city one big party.

6 Dec 2017
By Tommy Jensen

It’s Never Too Late To Start Learning

Experience China with Hutong School, with a life long lesson in life. We teach hundreds of students the Chinese language every year.

22 Nov 2017
By Tommy Jensen

Guestblog: Easy Ways To Communicate in Chinese

Traveling to China, but haven't quite mastered the Chinese language? Communication is more than spoken words, remember body language, gestures, and symbols.

15 Nov 2017
By Tommy Jensen

Transportation in China

With city populations being larger than or equal to some countries, what are the best methods of transportation in China? Are there options other than the

8 Nov 2017
By Isabelle Demeunynck